Do you speak Mandarin? Are you the owner of a small to medium sized business in Auckland? Do not miss our upcoming FREE Chinese business resilience and recovery forum.
Register now and go in the draw to win $1,000 of advertising with SkyKiwi and other prizes. (This is a FREE event. Limited places.)
Date: Monday, 11 September 2023
时间: 上午9.30至下午3.00
Time: 9.30am to 3.00pm
地点: Auckland’s Aotea Centre
Location: Auckland’s Aotea Centre
(Lunch provided)
Inflation, staffing shortages, supply chain challenges, floods and pandemics. Running a small business in these volatile times is not easy. Now is the time to future-proof your business.
This Resilience and Recovery forum is dedicated to addressing the unique needs of Auckland’s Chinese business community. It will not only provide you the information but the practical tools you need to ensure your business survives, whatever the future holds.
Organised by Auckland Emergency Management and Auckland Council, speakers include the Minister for Auckland, Central and Local Government officials, community leaders and emergency service professionals.
Our speakers have been carefully chosen to give you the advice and information you need to keep your business in the black. There is a fantastic mix of speakers from Central and Local Government, the emergency service, and business organisations and community organisations.
Listen to experts provide advice on:
Carmel Sepuloni 是一位母亲、妻子、移民的女儿、还是政府部长和Kelston(凯尔斯顿选区)的工党议员。
Carmel 出生于Waitara(怀塔拉),拥有萨摩亚、汤加和欧裔新西兰血统。
Carmel 于 2008 年进入国会,此前曾在高等教育领域担任读写教育工作者、学生指导顾问、股权经理和太平洋岛裔健康研究项目经理。
在此期间,Carmel 曾于2011 至 2014 年暂别议会,成为 Vaka Tautua 的首席执行官,该公司是一家倡导“由太平洋岛裔运营,为太平洋岛裔服务”,专注于健康、残疾和社会服务的全国性供应商。
在本届工党政府中,Carmel 担任社会发展和就业部部长、职场关系部部长、奥克兰地区事务部部长、艺术、文化和遗产部部长以及外交部副部长(太平洋地区)。她还是新西兰第 20 任副总理,是第一位太平洋岛裔,同时也是第三位担任该职务的女性。
Carmel 在历任职务中,致力于改革福利制度,使得民众能获得更加公平且有尊严地对待,同时为民众提供各种发展机会 - 包括更加有意义且可持续发展的就业机会。她还致力于建立一个可持续、多元化、富有包容性和适应性的艺术和文化领域,同时加强新西兰与太平洋地区的联系。
Carmel Sepuloni is a mother, wife, daughter of a migrant, a Government Minister and the Labour MP for Kelston.
Born in Waitara, Carmel is of Samoan, Tongan and New Zealand European descent.
Carmel entered Parliament in 2008, having worked in the tertiary sector as a literacy educator, a student mentor adviser, an equity manager, and a Pacific health research project manager.
A brief break away from Parliament in 2011-2014 saw Carmel become Chief Executive of Vaka Tautua, a national ‘by Pacific, for Pacific’, health, disability and social services provider.
In the current Labour Government, Carmel serves as the Minister for Social Development and Employment, Minister of Workplace Relations, Minister for Auckland, Minister for Arts, Culture and Heritage and Associate Minister of Foreign Affairs (Pacific Region). She also serves as the 20th Deputy Prime Minister of New Zealand, the first Pacific and third female in the role.
She has previously held the portfolios of ACC, Disability Issues and Associate Pacific Peoples.
Across her portfolios, Carmel is committed to transforming the welfare system so that it’s fairer and treats people with dignity, and providing opportunities for people to get ahead in life – including better opportunities to get into meaningful and sustainable employment. She’s also committed to building a sustainable, diverse, inclusive and resilient arts and culture sector, and strengthening Aotearoa New Zealand’s ties with the Pacific region.
Find more information about the workshop presenters.
Remember, good emergency planning and being prepared is good business practice. Do not miss this opportunity.
Cheng Goh, Albert-Eden Thriving Town Centres - Cross Cultural Specialist